
What we love

Contemplate More, React Less

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The writer’s life is by definition contemplative.

I have a book due at the end of next year, plus I’m about to do a regular twice-a-month column for a magazine. So it’s time to get my writer’s hat back onto my head.

The writer and activist inhabit different parts of the brain, yet in my case they feed off each other. I’m out there doing things I have written about, and I write about things that I learned because I’m out there doing them. I don’t think Americans do enough just sitting around doing nothing – and I’m not kidding.

The word contemplative shouldn’t only apply to some special retreat we go to. It should apply, I think, to a part of each day. We should “contemplate” more, so we’d react less. The French philosopher Blaise Pascal said “every problem in the world can be traced to man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”

That’s why we’re mindless in places where we should be mindful. We’re lured to the periphery of things by so much false data, so much illusion and deception of the mortal ego, when all we have to do sometimes is simply sit there and come home to ourselves.

Stop spinning. Center. Gaze at a flower. Pray for peace. Be real with yourself.

It’s a blessing in disguise perhaps that we can’t do quite as much running around these days. Sometimes we’re like chickens running around with our heads chopped off, doing but hardly being.

And now, with the quarantine, there’s a lot less doing and perhaps there will be a lot more actual being. We need that, because we need a reset. We need to turn off our minds and turn them on again. So just “be” today.

More than anything else, just be. I will if you will.

The world could be a quieter place for all of us, and that would be good…

Resisting Hopelessness

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Today we are called to resist hopelessness.

It would be easy to slip into hopelessness now, to resign ourselves to the idea that the concentrated assaults on everything from the planet to our democracy have succeeded to such a degree that it’s no longer possible to stop them.

Yet it is exactly that hopelessness we must resist now, even more than we must resist the forces that seem so intent on bringing us down. Our hopelessness is only called for if in fact miracles are not possible, and because they are, there is no cause for hopelessness.

Hope springs eternal because life springs eternal, and life abounds with possibility. We have within us the capacity to change things, but only if we are willing to change ourselves. We have written the human story that now unfolds in front of us, and the only way we can change the story is if we are willing to rewrite it.

We wrote the story of a country that had everything, was given everything, was blessed beyond comprehension and yet chose to sell our souls to the highest dollar. We wrote the story of a country that put economics before love, sales before ethics, and our government on the bidding block. We wrote the story of a country that has treated the earth with lack of reverence, democracy as though we could take it for granted, and justice as though it only mattered if the issue was applying it to ourselves.

We wrote that story, and now we can write another one. But we can only do that if we are willing to recognize that all of us, to some degree, have been co-creators of the one we have now, atone for our heartlessness to each other and our arrogance before our Creator, and get to work on cleaning up this mess and re-creating the world.

Hope is a moral imperative, and cynicism is just an excuse for not helping. We have no choice but to recreate our civilization.

I know many of us feel the urgency of this moment, the radicalism at the heart of what we’re being called to do. For it is not incremental, it is a-historic; jumping out of the timeline of what is to be expected, off the scale in the amount of light it calls forth as much as political and weather storms are off the scale in terms of darkness.

This new world cannot be forced, any more than it can be rationally calculated; it can only be invoked into expression by the deepest kind of reverance. Invocation is the priest and priestess’ task, and that is what all of us are being called to be right now.

When I was a little girl, I used to ask God what I was supposed to be when I grew up. I would always see the word “priest,” but I thought it was weird…obviously impossible, because Jews don’t have priests. Then I grew up to realize that indeed they did in the Old Testament, and even more importantly, that the priest is anyone who invokes into expression the unlimited possibilities that emerge from the field of ultimate Reality. All of us are recruits for the new priesthood, no matter what we do, needed to invoke into expression the unlimited possibilities inherent in the Mind of God. Yet they remain un-manifest until we have the courage to invoke them.

Like ancient priestesses at Delphi, let us summon all our powers of multi-dimensional knowing, emerge from the narrow and shallow casing of a mechanistic worldview, throw off the chains of a rationalistic approach to life, and remember we are co-creators of our future. We are not victims here; we’re merely reaping what we’ve sowed. And we can sow anew. We are here to create the good, the true, and the beautiful, and anything less than that is short of our purpose and our mission in this life.

Each of us is endowed with an internal guidance system, and if we ask within what we’re to do, we will be guided. We will be told what to do and we will be told how to do it. We will be led to each other and we will collaborate in miraculous ways. We will dwell within the golden Light of a higher kind of knowing. We will know, and we will do.

SPOTLIGHT ON…Candidates to Watch

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Marianne Endorses

If we want a visionary government then we have to support visionary candidates.

Liam O'Mara

US House, CA-42

Mike Broihier

US Senate, KY

Eva Putzova

US House, AZ-01

Mark Robin Wilt

US House, NY-25

Mckayla Wilkes

US House, MD-05

Michael Owens

US House, GA-13

Julie Oliver

US House, TX-25

Rebecca Parson

US House, WA-06

Tom Winter

US House, MT-AL

Betsy Sweet

US Senate, ME

J.D. Scholten

US House, IA-04

Shahid Buttar

US House, CA-12

Tomas Ramos

US House, NY-15

Mike Siegel

US House, TX-10

David Kim

US House, CA-34

Tom Guild

US House, OK-05

Jim Harper

US House, IN-01

Nabilah Islam

US House, GA-07

Lauren Ashcraft

US House, NY-12

Hector Oseguera

US House, NJ-08

Shaniyat Chowdhury

US House, NY-05

Teresa Tomlinson

US Senate, GA

Andrew Romanoff

US Senate, CO

Lisa Ring

US House, GA-01

Books to Blow. Your. Mind.

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METAHUMAN: Unleashing your Infinite Potential by Deepak Chopra

Wow. Not to put too fine a point on it, but reading this book was so…meta; like looking inside to explain what’s inside to define what’s inside. It takes you both inside and outside of yourself at the same time, in an extraordinary way. METAHUMAN is a blueprint for finding our way out of the confines of thinking we have been conditioned to remain within, in order to find the true source of awareness. ‘The awareness of any experience is not the experience.’ The experience, by the way, can be our whole lives. The constructs we have created to help us navigate human existence aren’t inherently bad, they just aren’t the full story. The fuller story is that there is no story, that it’s infinitely expanding. ‘Human potential is infinite,’ Deepak says in this book, ‘because consciousness has no boundaries.’ We can’t explain it like he can — go buy the book.

Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals by Rachel Hollis

So this was kind of hard to read. Not hard because it wasn’t fantastic, but hard because it makes you realize how often you settle for less than you really want. We all know the ways in which the ‘what ifs‘ can eat us alive later on, looking back. But Rachel Hollis shows a new way to engage with the ‘what ifs‘ — before, looking forward. ‘A dream always starts with a question,’ she says, ‘and the question is always some form of What if…’ By outlining excuses to let go of, behaviors to adopt, and skills to acquire, this book gives us so many necessary tools to dream and achieve without either limiting anyone else, or apologizing for what we want.

The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

Thank goodness they made The Handmaid’s Tale into a television series. This is rarely said so emphatically (especially when talking about another book!), but if they hadn’t, Margaret Atwood might never have given us the necessary follow-up to her seminal 1985 novel. For those of you who haven’t read The Handmaid’s Taleit’s too difficult to sum up here. But it is a powerful and provocative dystopian tale of the subjugation of women within the rise of a theocratic patriarchal society. It is also incredibly prescient in many ways, however tempered. The Testaments is equally compelling and powerful, set 15 years after the end of its prequel. It explores the ways in which the past doesn’t always remain in the past, but the conviction of our beliefs in what the future could hold are the most powerful thing we have.

Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabby Bernstein

Everyone is a Super Attractor — you just have to claim the power. This is the first major ‘wow’ moment in a book full of them. In her latest book, Gabby Bernstein helps you learn how to manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams (well, you probably could have guessed that, it says so right on the cover). But even though you know what you’re about to read, you’re not prepared for how brilliant it is and how easy her tools are to grasp. With super attractor mantras, advice on how to do less and attract more, help remaining in alignment with the universe, personal stories to guide and enlighten you, and much more, this book is a must-read!

City of Girls: A Novel by Elizabeth Gilbert

Who didn’t love Eat, Pray, Love? There is a reason it was so universally successful, so easily devoured by millions. You didn’t need to be a woman to get it, you just needed to be human and recognize the power — and scary nature — of starting completely anew. Right, so City of Girls isn’t Eat, Pray, Love. It might seem easy, frivolous, provocative, evocative, naughty, fun on the face of it. But it’s so much more than that. In many ways, it’s actually the opposite. The main character is a round one, both protagonist and antagonist, at once the breezy raconteur and the foil, the anti-north star. This book is so good mainly for all the reasons you don’t expect it to be, and leaves you wondering if you’re satisfied, needing to think about how you feel.

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Everything is Figureoutable is well-written, funny, pragmatic, insightful and inspiring. It’s easy to understand and internalize because the central message is just so clear — and right there on the cover. In order to achieve our goals, live our dreams, solve any problem, we first need to remember that there isn’t anything that isn’t doable; we just how to figure out how to do it. You’re completely unstoppable when you have boundless optimism, and this book helps you get there. In this book, you learn new habits, how to overcome your fears, eliminate success-blocking excuses, and the secrets to lasting success. Marie Forleo knows what she’s talking about, and frankly it’s silly not to run, buy the book, and listen to her wisdom.