
I have been acutely aware for many years that we take so much for granted. Maybe it’s partly because my parents took me traveling as a child, and I saw then what deep poverty looks like.

One of the reasons I ran for president was because I felt people were oddly lacking in the sense of urgency that I feel is appropriate for these times.

Well they’re not lacking it now!

All the talk about trees and animals in China, the lack of medical and economic preparedness in the United States – so many ways in which our lack of reverence for people and animals and planet underlie the crisis we are living through now.

But already you can see the forces of healing at work, not just in the immune systems of the people who are recovering, but in the heroism of the doctors and nurses, and the compassion people are showing in so many different ways.

We are one big global family now. I hope you’ll participate in the global minute of prayer on Sundays and spread the word to everyone you know.

We need a miracle now. We need a few of them. And they “occur naturally as expressions of love.”

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