

A Global Family

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I have been acutely aware for many years that we take so much for granted. Maybe it’s partly because my parents took me traveling as a child, and I saw then what deep poverty looks like.

One of the reasons I ran for president was because I felt people were oddly lacking in the sense of urgency that I feel is appropriate for these times.

Well they’re not lacking it now!

All the talk about trees and animals in China, the lack of medical and economic preparedness in the United States – so many ways in which our lack of reverence for people and animals and planet underlie the crisis we are living through now.

But already you can see the forces of healing at work, not just in the immune systems of the people who are recovering, but in the heroism of the doctors and nurses, and the compassion people are showing in so many different ways.

We are one big global family now. I hope you’ll participate in the global minute of prayer on Sundays and spread the word to everyone you know.

We need a miracle now. We need a few of them. And they “occur naturally as expressions of love.”

Finding the Solution

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Recently at the Unity Church in Boulder we talked about what a difficult moment this is in American history. But there have been other difficult times, to be sure. The question is not just what’s happening, but who we’re choosing to be in the space of what’s happening.

We are called upon to navigate extremely turbulent historical waters, and our politics isn’t an adequate container for the thinking or the conversation needed to do that.

Our politics is like allopathic medicine, focused only on external remedies and not taking into account the psychological and emotional and spiritual dynamics involved in either causing our societal disease or that are necessary to heal it. We will get to the remedy; I saw in my campaign that the people are ready to create it. It’s the political/media/campaign establishment that’s not.

It’s sad for all of us to see the terrible state we’re in as a country now, but I think what we need to do is to feel that sadness. Recognizing the depth of the problem will counterintuitively guide us to the place within ourselves from which will come the answers and solutions we need now.

This quote from Aeschylus is one of my favorites; I’ve always thought of it in personal terms, but it’s true collectively as well: “Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”

Dear God, please give us wisdom now.

A Time for Strength

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This year will not be easy. Thomas Paine’s comment about “times that try men’s souls” comes to mind.

I’m asking myself how I can avoid an emotional descent that parallels the downward spiral of our political conflicts. My experience as a presidential candidate made me exquisitely aware of both how corrupt things are, and how beautiful they could be.

When the system gets in the way, the possibilities of democracy are worth the struggle, and the opposition to democracy demands that we stand up to it. Somehow this is about more than making sure we meditate. It’s about more than making sure we pray. It’s about more than making sure we put into practice our spiritual principles.

I know for myself it’s about some commitment to becoming more than I currently am. I can’t quite put my finger on what that means, but I know I’m called to evolve in what feels to be a different way.

We’re all going to have to, if we’re to become the people we need to be to navigate the turbulent waters of this age and steer our world into safer waters.

Let’s support each other in doing that.

This is not a time for weakness, but for strength.

A Moral Revolution

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It’s going to take a lot of forgiveness, positivity and compassion for those who do not agree with us, to make the kind of changes when all this is over that most need to be made. The drama on the other side of this is going to be huge. Much has been revealed about how American operates, and it isn’t pretty.

We were completely unprepared for a virus that is essentially an attack on our people. Nor did our government function in a way that allowed us to prepare quickly. People are seeing how the current way of doing things in America protects the few at the expense of the many.

This is not a reason for violent revolution. That very thought should bring a shudder to anyone.

But we do need a moral revolution. In the words of John F Kennedy, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.”

We need a revolution in values. We need a blazing cry for justice.

We need an embrace of love so great that it extends beyond the personal and heals the entire world.

Big Changes will be in Order

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Martin Luther King Jr. said those in the civil rights movement were materially positive but spiritually active.

Most of us are materially passive now but we should be spiritually active.

There’s a lot of thinking we need to do, about why this happened and what needs to change so it never happens again. Don’t just be a spectator; be a conscious citizen. There are different theories about how this started, but all of them reflect humanity’s disharmony and violence towards nature, animals and each other.

In the US, an economic rather than a humanitarian bottom line is what led to a weakened CDC and to Trump withholding early testing. 37 out of 47 pandemic centers had been closed. Pandemic advice and preparedness plans had been ignored.

But don’t let a realization of all the human irresponsibility that led to this put you into anger, despair or distractedness. Let it put you into sadness at the tragedy of it all. This is a good time to simply feel the grief; the grief will transform into motivation we’ll need later. On the other side of this, big changes will be in order. The United States was left completely vulnerable in ways that should never have occurred, and which should never occur again.

Episode Seven

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Episode 07

with Morra Aarons-Mele

Morra Aarons-Mele is founder of award-winning social impact agency Women Online and its database of women influencers, The Mission List. Morra is the author of Hiding in the Bathroom: How to Get Out There When You’d Rather Stay Home. In this interview, she goes on the sofa to discuss anxiety and achievement.

Morra Aarons-Mele

Episode Six

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Episode 06

with Rosie Acosta

Rosie Acosta is an Inspirational Speaker, Yoga & Meditation Teacher and a Yoga Teacher Trainer, a Holistic Health Coach, as well as the founder of Radically Loved: Yoga, Health + Wellness and host of Radically Loved Radio. She has used her experience teaching her day to day students working in her community and has worked with elite Olympic athletes, NFL Champions, NBA All-Stars, At Risk Youth and Afghanistan Veterans. Most recently, she is working on a book about Yoga and Meditation.

with Rosie Acosta

5 Things We Learned from David Kessler about Finding Meaning

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This week’s podcast is with world-renowned grief expert David Kessler. We talked to him about family, love, grief, betrayal and more. Here are the top five takeaways we have from this interview…


1. You can have Post-Traumatic Growth

We are all so aware of post-traumatic stress, but you can also have post-traumatic growth. You can have been through your darkest moments, have been floored and scarred and pained beyond belief, and yet you can still find yourself stronger on the other side.

2. On the other side of pain is meaning

You have to go through pain in order to move through it. You have to go through pain in order to grow from it. And you have to go through pain if you want to find meaning on the other side of it.

3. Finding meaning doesn’t require understanding

You don’t have to understand ‘why’ something happened, or why you had to go through what you did, in order to find meaning from the situation.

4. You can and should grieve the end of any form of a relationship

We know we have to grieve at the end someone’s physical life. But often we don’t realise we have to grieve the end of any relationship in any form. The end of a marriage, a job, a friendship, a partnership of any kind, is a death in its own way. The feelings of rejection that often accompany the end of these kinds of relationships can compound the pain. You have to grieve these ‘deaths’ in the same way you do a physical death.

5. Seeking closure really means seeking the end of your pain

We always want to find closure. David taught us that what we are really looking for isn’t ‘closure,’ but rather the end of our pain, and the reaching of peace.

To listen to this week’s episode of On the Sofa become a member of one of our programs!


Books to Blow. Your. Mind.

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METAHUMAN: Unleashing your Infinite Potential by Deepak Chopra

Wow. Not to put too fine a point on it, but reading this book was so…meta; like looking inside to explain what’s inside to define what’s inside. It takes you both inside and outside of yourself at the same time, in an extraordinary way. METAHUMAN is a blueprint for finding our way out of the confines of thinking we have been conditioned to remain within, in order to find the true source of awareness. ‘The awareness of any experience is not the experience.’ The experience, by the way, can be our whole lives. The constructs we have created to help us navigate human existence aren’t inherently bad, they just aren’t the full story. The fuller story is that there is no story, that it’s infinitely expanding. ‘Human potential is infinite,’ Deepak says in this book, ‘because consciousness has no boundaries.’ We can’t explain it like he can — go buy the book.

Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-Free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals by Rachel Hollis

So this was kind of hard to read. Not hard because it wasn’t fantastic, but hard because it makes you realize how often you settle for less than you really want. We all know the ways in which the ‘what ifs‘ can eat us alive later on, looking back. But Rachel Hollis shows a new way to engage with the ‘what ifs‘ — before, looking forward. ‘A dream always starts with a question,’ she says, ‘and the question is always some form of What if…’ By outlining excuses to let go of, behaviors to adopt, and skills to acquire, this book gives us so many necessary tools to dream and achieve without either limiting anyone else, or apologizing for what we want.

The Testaments: The Sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

Thank goodness they made The Handmaid’s Tale into a television series. This is rarely said so emphatically (especially when talking about another book!), but if they hadn’t, Margaret Atwood might never have given us the necessary follow-up to her seminal 1985 novel. For those of you who haven’t read The Handmaid’s Taleit’s too difficult to sum up here. But it is a powerful and provocative dystopian tale of the subjugation of women within the rise of a theocratic patriarchal society. It is also incredibly prescient in many ways, however tempered. The Testaments is equally compelling and powerful, set 15 years after the end of its prequel. It explores the ways in which the past doesn’t always remain in the past, but the conviction of our beliefs in what the future could hold are the most powerful thing we have.

Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabby Bernstein

Everyone is a Super Attractor — you just have to claim the power. This is the first major ‘wow’ moment in a book full of them. In her latest book, Gabby Bernstein helps you learn how to manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams (well, you probably could have guessed that, it says so right on the cover). But even though you know what you’re about to read, you’re not prepared for how brilliant it is and how easy her tools are to grasp. With super attractor mantras, advice on how to do less and attract more, help remaining in alignment with the universe, personal stories to guide and enlighten you, and much more, this book is a must-read!

City of Girls: A Novel by Elizabeth Gilbert

Who didn’t love Eat, Pray, Love? There is a reason it was so universally successful, so easily devoured by millions. You didn’t need to be a woman to get it, you just needed to be human and recognize the power — and scary nature — of starting completely anew. Right, so City of Girls isn’t Eat, Pray, Love. It might seem easy, frivolous, provocative, evocative, naughty, fun on the face of it. But it’s so much more than that. In many ways, it’s actually the opposite. The main character is a round one, both protagonist and antagonist, at once the breezy raconteur and the foil, the anti-north star. This book is so good mainly for all the reasons you don’t expect it to be, and leaves you wondering if you’re satisfied, needing to think about how you feel.

Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Everything is Figureoutable is well-written, funny, pragmatic, insightful and inspiring. It’s easy to understand and internalize because the central message is just so clear — and right there on the cover. In order to achieve our goals, live our dreams, solve any problem, we first need to remember that there isn’t anything that isn’t doable; we just how to figure out how to do it. You’re completely unstoppable when you have boundless optimism, and this book helps you get there. In this book, you learn new habits, how to overcome your fears, eliminate success-blocking excuses, and the secrets to lasting success. Marie Forleo knows what she’s talking about, and frankly it’s silly not to run, buy the book, and listen to her wisdom.

How to Work Miracles

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How to Work Miracles:

Living the Principles of A Course in Miracles

Five-Part Online Course with Marianne Williamson

To effect real change in our lives, we must change our perceptions. And such a fundamental shift in thinking, from change on the level of effect to change on the level of cause, is a miracle. By making such changes we ourselves become miracle-workers — with the ability to change not only ourselves but also the world around us.

Whether you’re a student of A Course in Miracles or someone who hasn’t really delved in yet: if you want guidance on how to live the principles of the Course – including the option of an online community of like-minded companions doing the same – Marianne Williamson’s online course is for you.


Topics Covered in this Course:

Working Miracles: The Plan of the Teachers of God
A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love, delivering us from the mental tyranny of obsession with past or future to the inner peace of a Holy Instant. All of us are called to be part of a Great Awakening on the earth today, as we change our thinking and thus change the world.

Miraculous Relationships
Relationships are assignments, in which people are brought together with maximal opportunities for soul growth. Relationships are either conduits of love or conduits of fear, with the power to either heal or hurt.

The Role of the Holy Spirit
God has placed within our minds an Internal Teacher, with the power to take us back to love when we are lost in fear. The Holy Spirit is a “gentle bridge of perception,” authorized to return us to inner peace when we willingly place our thinking under His guidance.

Real Forgiveness
We can have a grievance or we can have a miracle, but we cannot have both. When we’re willing to overlook the guilt in our brother to the innocence which lies beyond, we are freed from the pain of guilt that we otherwise project onto ourselves.

The Salvation of the World
The only thing to be saved from is our own fear-based thinking. The healing of the Son of God lies in dismantling of the ego’s thought system that now dominates the world, and accepting instead the divine Alternative of the Holy Spirit’s love.

About the Course Experience:

  • The body of the course consists of five instructional videos from Marianne, where she guides us through the main principles of A Course in Miracles.
  • There is an Private Online Community Forum for participants to share their experiences and support each other in learning and practicing the ideas in the course.
  • Recordings of two online calls with Marianne where she expounded on the ideas in the course, answered questions, and did live coaching with original course participants are included.
  • Bonus Material Includes: The Basics of A Course in Miracles two-part lecture series in downloadable audio, Miraculous Relationships lecture on video, The Meaning of Forgiveness lecture on Video, Living Without Fear lecture on Video.
  • Audio downloads of the course videos are also included.
  • You will enjoy lifetime, permanent access to all materials

Join Marianne as she walks you through the main ideas in A Course in Miracles, clarifying its principles to make their practical application more simple. Allow this course to remind you of the keys to miracle-mindedness and how they can transform your life forever.